The Different Uses of CBD Oil

CBD is a naturally occurring cannabinoid in the cannabis plant that many consider to have medicinal properties. The compound is controversial because it originates from the cannabis sativa plant that also produces tetrahydrocannabinol. However, CBD does not have the same psychoactive properties found in THC and, therefore, does not cause the hallucinogenic effects that are commonly associated with marijuana. CBD can be used to reduce stress and anxiety, help with sleep, and reduce nausea, among other properties. Medical professionals are also using the substance in treating epilepsy, and some studies suggest that the molecule has the potential to be used as an anticarcinogen.

The Different Uses of CBD Oil

Help with anxiety and sleep

In the peer-reviewed journal Recent Patents on CNS Drug Discovery, Simone Tambaro and Marco Bortolato published an article titled Cannabinoid-related Agents in the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders: Current Knowledge and Future Perspective. The article described the body of evidence that …

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