3 Possible Causes of Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common problems that plagues Americans. It can affect quality of living and also interfere with day-to-day activities. One of the frustrating aspects of back pain is how difficult it is to pinpoint the culprit. Some of the common causes of back pain are also the most overlooked, which makes it even harder to understand why you’re experiencing issues.

3 Possible Causes of Back Pain

Lack of Mobility

 Unsurprisingly, desk jobs have had a greater impact on our general well-being than most of us are willing to admit. Spending too much time sitting has a greater impact on health than it seems. In fact, the current culture of lounging around more often than spending time on your feet can have some heavy health consequences.

There are great ways to be more active and improve mobility. A fun option is to find a local dance studio that offers beginner classes. It’s an easy and interactive way to get a little more active and stretch those muscles in your back that have been neglected for too long. Plus, these have added benefits for your metabolism, your muscles, and your mental health. Work at injecting a little more activity in your day-to-day routines to keep your back feeling limber and ready for action.

Sprains and Strains

 Strains on your back don’t really have any rhyme or reason. Maybe you slept poorly one night, lifted a heavy item incorrectly, or stood up too quickly. All of these things can be the cause of some really inconvenient back pain. The good news is that most sprains and strains are temporary derailments. However, if left untreated, they can develop into something more serious, so make sure to take very good care of yourself if your back is aching.

 Remember, if your strain is causing consistent pain, there are alternative solutions to reaching into the medicine cabinet for a bottle of aspirin. Products like Terry Naturally Curamin have some excellent pain relief benefits without some of the more alarming drawbacks of typical over-the-counter painkillers. Terry also offers a wide range of supplements that can be a boon to your joint and muscular health to prevent future complications. Supplements and alternative remedies are an excellent way to address your pain without spending a fortune on ibuprofen.

A Slipped Disk

 A slipped (or herniated) disk can be a major pain—pun intended. Your spine, as you know, is composed of vertebrae stacked on top of each other. Your body cushions these vertebrae with discs. Their job is to soften the shocks of daily activities and to protect your bones from grinding together. A slipped disk can be caused by even simple motions. Age, weight, and activity levels are all factors to consider when assessing if you’re at risk for a slipped disk.

Slipped discs are one of the causes of back pain that really need to be treated sooner rather than later. They typically require X-rays, MRIs, or a combination to diagnose and shouldn’t be ignored for long, if at all. Consulting with a specialist is your best option to get a remedy for the issue.

Your Health, First

If you’re suffering from chronic back pain that doesn’t go away, it’s probably best for you to set an appointment with a chiropractor or specialist. They’ll give you a thorough examination and tailor a treatment to your unique needs. While the hope is that your back pain isn’t the sign of a heavier issue, in the case that it is, your specialist can help out with that, too. Don’t let back pain go unchecked for too long, though. Remember that your health should always come first.