Do you believe that dieting actually helps you lose weight? I don’t think so! And I’ll tell you why. In my observation of people who go on “diets,” it seems to put more stress on them, deprive them of the foods they like, make them GORGE when they decide to cheat, and generally makes them very unhappy. Not only are they unhappy, but sometimes this unhappiness makes them GAIN weight instead of lose it.
So what is the SECRET to maintaining a healthy weight? There are numerous ways (unless you have a thyroid or other disorder) in which to stay, fit, healthy, happy and maintain a good weight. The first thing you need to do is to FORGET the idea of dieting and stop focusing on how fat you think you are or how you don’t like your body, and start focusing on the idea of a healthy lifestyle.
That is the absolute best advice anyone can give you. And all of these get-thin-quick plans or diets prescribed by this guru or this specialist or this DOCTOR, don’t usually help a person STAY slim or lose weight. Why? Because as soon as you stop their plan/diet, all bets are off! Not only do people gain the weight they lost back, but they also often gain more weight than before. This can’t be healthy or a good idea.
The real truth is: thinness is a state of mind! Remember the book “Think Thin?” I never read it, but the concept of it actually makes a lot of sense to me. If you have a “thin” mentality, you will somehow manage to stay thin. If you have always been on the heavy side, then this kind of thinking is very foreign to you and not a part of your paradigm. Don’ worry, there are other ways in which to be your ideal weight. It really takes an attitude shift and a way of looking at life in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle and be a good weight. Weight is not the only focus; body image is really important and I would say that possibly 85% of the world does not like something about their body! This is a common phenomenon. You are not alone!
What is important to recognize is that what really matters is your ATTITUDE about your body, food, exercise and healthy living that is the winning ticket to good weight management.
Some of you may say, “I’ve tried everything and I just can’t lose the weight.” Unless you have a condition, you can and you simply need to adjust the way you are looking at yourself. You need to look at your life holistically: mind, body, spirit and emotion, in order to get a handle on what it all means and how it translates into your entire being. This is the REAL SECRET to weight loss, and if you don’t believe me, I will further show you how!