Resisting Temptation: How to Eat Without Overindulging

Around every corner in town, you’ll find a restaurant or fast-food franchise. From a physiological standpoint, humans were never designed to have food ready on a moment’s notice. Primitive man hunted and gathered food, which controlled calorie intake with the daily activity. If you’re trying to fight the battle of the bulge, food availability on every corner isn’t helping your willpower. Learn a few tricks of the trade so that you can eat without overindulging.

Eat off of a Plate

Eating from a plate may seem like common sense, but many people consume food on the go. They might eat out of a bag, over the sink or as they type at work. By mindlessly eating, you don’t know how much you’ve actually eaten in a given meal. It’s easy to just finish off a large bag of chips.

By placing any snack or meal on a plate, you see exactly what you’ll be eating. There’s an endpoint to the food when you clear the plate. You stop overindulging in its tracks.

Portion out Your Meals

The plate trick goes along with portion control. Use a dinner plate’s diameter to help you with this strategy. Mentally divide the plate into four sections. Remind yourself that one section is for lean protein, such as meat. You only need about a palm-sized amount of protein in a meal.

Pick whole grains or another healthy carbohydrate for another section. Reserve the remaining, two sections for fruits and vegetables. This portion control covers every food group while maximizing the forgotten details, which translates into ample produce.

Moderate Treats

If you create forbidden foods in your diet, you’ll only want to eat them more often. Use the portion-control strategy to incorporate some treats into you diet. Cookie fans might look at the container’s serving size. Two cookies may equal 140 calories, for instance. Allow yourself to have this treat at the serving size advertised by the manufacturer. You won’t ruin your healthy lifestyle, and you curb a craving that’s perfectly natural. Everyone craves a sweet treat from time to time.

Consider Suppressant Help

At times, your willpower may need a little help. Visit Health365 to buy appetite suppressants online. Suppressants are specialized substances that naturally provide a full sensation. When they’re used in conjunction with a healthy diet, you’ll see even more progress toward your goal weight.

Simply follow the directions on the supplement’s label. Each product has slightly different guidelines so that you get the most out of the suppressant. When you’re happy with your weight, you can slowly ease back into healthy meals and regular workouts.

Fill up on Vegetables

One item that you want to overindulge on is vegetables. Raw vegetables, such as the ones found in elaborate salads, will fill you up. You also gain the vitamins hidden within those foods. Most vegetables have minimal calories as well.

In general, you can eat two cups of vegetables in a serving with less than 100 calories. You’ll feel full too. Simply avoid any fatty dressings or toppings. Raw vegetables with a drizzle of olive oil and vinegar can be a magical snack or meal.

Reserve Times for Cheat Days

Parties, dinners and special occasions might be challenges in the healthy lifestyle department. It’s easy to overindulge during these periods. Allow yourself at least one “cheat day” each month. Eat a little bit more than normal at a special dinner or party. Return to your normal diet the next day. As long as the overindulging is isolated to one or two meals in a day, you can balance out the calories in the following days.

No one has a perfect diet or activity level. Do what’s right for your mind and body. Match your improved, eating habits with daily exercise. From gardening to jogging, moving around throughout the day is bound to help your metabolism and overall health. Overindulging can be a habit of the past as a result.